Friday, August 21, 2015

Pictures, Praise, & Love

I figured pictures speak louder than words, we have had a few set backs last night and today but continue to be moving in the right directions, hopefully tomorrow we will be able to actually get him up and walk around.  He has got out of the bed twice today with help. Praise God for them having a PS3, he plays really well for about 10 minutes and then he is wore out.

Special thanks to all the wonderful people who filled out hearts and made videos when he was awake he started watching some videos, each one put a special smile on his face, he was feeling the love. We truly appreciate everyone wanting to come visit Colt, but with all the chaos here we are holding off on visitors until after we get home and get settled.  It is a Mad House here in the ICU and in Bradley's words the traffic and construction here in Louisville is He!! On Earth.

I promise to keep updating the blog at least once a day, replying to texts and emails. Bradley and I have not left his side, we have always made sure one of us as always been with him at all time to help keep his calm.
Got his Central Line, AV Line and 2 of the 3 chest tubes out

Praise be to God and praise those that God put in our lives that have prayed over Colt. God Bless You.

Completely exhausted

Thanks to our parents, and family, and special thanks to Lindsey for help making Bradley and I 16th anniversary today great she treated us to dinner from somewhere other than McDonald's (you can only eat so much McDonald's before you get really sick of it) the peach roses( which are my favorite), for being so selfless and sharing Colt's story.

In God's Love and Amazing Grace,